F.A.R.M. Club,Newsletter 






                                      December 2007


There will be no meeting this month but please do not forget the club

members Christmas party on Dec. 8th at the Urbancrest Baptist Church 

at 2634 Drake Rd. Lebanon, Ohio. The cost is $5.00 per person with

children under 12 free. Please make your reservations by Dec. 4th. to

Donna Williams or Debi Bowles. We need an accurate count so we can

order the food and drinks. Anyone over 12 will be considered an adult for

food count. Doors open at 5:00 we will eat at 6:00.


Thanks to all who took part in the Springboro parade. We had 8 tractors

this year. There was a parade at Goshen but at this time I do not know if

anyone took part in the parade. But if you did … Thank you also!


There were 12 tractors at Hisey Park this year. Thank you everyone!


Congratulations to Jerry Collins. He will be our newest director starting

in Jan. 2008. Russ Rolke will be stepping down. Thanks to Russ who did a

 very good job!!


Don’t forget---Membership dues are due now. If not paid by the end of  Dec.

 your name will be taken off the roster.


On a more personal note… Thanks to all who came to my mother’s visitation,

sent cards,flowers and the wonderful phone calls. It means so much! She would

 have been 96 on Dec. 12th but will still be missed terribly. Sandy


Hope to see you at the Christmas Party!

You may email or phone your reservations: BY DECEMBER 4TH.

Debi Bowles 513-932-4310----bowlesd@cintas.com

Donna Williams 513-398-6739--- gwilliams40@cinci.rr.com

Sandy Hale 513-899-3246----hshale806@aol.com